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Zocon Eye Drop (Fluconazole)

Active Ingredient (Generic Name): Fluconazole
Indication: Fungal infections
Manufacturer: FDC Ltd
Packaging: 5 ml in one packet
Strength: 0.003

From: $36.00

Amount Price Price / Unit
Zocon Eye Drop (Fluconazole) - 3-bottles 3 Bottles $36.00


Zocon Eye Drop (Fluconazole) - 6-bottles 6 Bottles $49.00


Zocon Eye Drop (Fluconazole) - 12-bottles 12 Bottles $74.00



You have been prescribed Zocon Eye Drop, a potent antifungal medication containing fluconazole. This medication targets and disrupts fungal cell membranes, leading to cell death and elimination of eye infections such as fungal keratitis, endophthalmitis, fungal conjunctivitis, and post-operative infections, particularly those caused by Candida species. The usual dosage involves applying one to two drops, three to four times a day directly to the affected eye. By learning more about Zocon Eye Drop, you can understand its benefits, precautions, and alternatives, enabling you to manage your eye health effectively.

Main Points

  • Zocon Eye Drop (Fluconazole) is prescribed for fungal keratitis, endophthalmitis, and conjunctivitis. The typical dosage is one to two drops, administered three to four times daily.
  • Fluconazole works by inhibiting ergosterol synthesis, which disrupts fungal cell membranes, impeding fungal growth.
  • Common side effects may include mild to moderate burning, itching, redness in the eyes, and temporary blurred vision or tearing. These side effects usually subside within a few days.
  • Zocon Eye Drop may interact with anticoagulants, oral hypoglycemics, and phenytoin. Allergic reactions like eye swelling, redness, and itching are possible.
  • Other brands containing fluconazole, such as Flucos, Fluczole, and Flucon, are available. Alternative treatment options include Amphotericin B, Natamycin, Posaconazole, and Voriconazole.

How Zocon Eye Drop Works

When Zocon Eye Drop is applied to the eye, fluconazole, the active ingredient, inhibits the synthesis of ergosterol, a crucial component of fungal cell membranes. This action disrupts the fungal cells’ integrity, leading to their demise. Fluconazole selectively targets fungal cells, minimizing harm to human cells. By compromising the fungal cells’ ability to maintain their structure and function, fluconazole creates an inhospitable environment for fungal growth. This targeted approach effectively combats fungal infections in the eye while reducing the risk of adverse effects on human cells. As the fungal cells perish, the infection clears, and the eye begins to heal. Understanding Zocon Eye Drop’s mode of action highlights its precision and efficacy in treating eye fungal infections.

Uses and Indications

Understanding the mechanism of action of Zocon Eye Drop helps in recognizing its specific uses and indications, primarily focused on treating fungal eye infections, particularly those caused by Candida species.

Zocon Eye Drop is indicated for the treatment of various ocular fungal infections, including:

  1. Fungal keratitis: Effective in treating fungal keratitis, a corneal infection caused by fungi like Candida, Aspergillus, and Fusarium.
  2. Endophthalmitis: Used to treat endophthalmitis, a severe intraocular infection that can lead to vision loss if not addressed.
  3. Fungal conjunctivitis: Indicated for fungal conjunctivitis treatment, a form of pink eye caused by fungal pathogens.
  4. Post-operative infections: Employed to prevent and treat fungal infections that may develop after eye surgery.

Dosage and Administration

Administer Zocon Eye Drop topically to the affected eye as prescribed by your healthcare provider. The usual dosage is one to two drops, applied three to four times a day. Tilt your head back, pull down the lower eyelid to create a pocket, and gently instill the drops without touching the eye. Close your eye for a few seconds after administration. Temporary blurred vision or tearing may occur but should dissipate quickly. Remember to wash your hands before and after use to prevent contamination. If you have any concerns about the dosage or schedule, seek advice from your healthcare provider or pharmacist.

Side Effects and Interactions

When using Zocon Eye Drop, it’s important to be aware of potential side effects and interactions. Common adverse reactions may include eye irritation, redness, or changes in vision. These effects can vary in severity. Understanding the risks of drug interactions and allergic reactions is crucial. If you notice any unusual symptoms, consult your doctor promptly.

Common Adverse Reactions

Common adverse reactions linked to Zocon Eye Drop (Fluconazole) may include mild to moderate burning, itching, or redness in the eyes. These symptoms typically resolve on their own within a few days. If you experience increased sensitivity to light, eye pain, swelling, blurred vision, or unusual discharge or crusting, it is advisable to consult your doctor for further evaluation and guidance.

Drug Interactions Risks

Fluconazole, found in Zocon Eye Drop, may interact with other medications, increasing the risk of adverse effects or reducing the effectiveness of either the eye drop or the interacting medication. It is important to inform your doctor about all current medications, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements, to minimize potential interactions. Some medications like anticoagulants, oral hypoglycemics, and phenytoin can interact with fluconazole, potentially leading to increased toxicity or decreased efficacy. Avoid using Zocon Eye Drop with medications that may cause eye issues, such as cataract medications or glaucoma treatments. Regular monitoring of your condition and prompt reporting of any changes to your doctor are essential. If you notice any unusual symptoms or side effects, seek immediate medical attention. Your doctor may adjust your dosage or suggest alternative treatments to mitigate interaction risks. Adhere to your doctor’s instructions and recommended dosage for safe and effective treatment with Zocon Eye Drop.

Allergic Reaction Symptoms

If you experience eye swelling, redness, or itching after using Zocon Eye Drop, it could indicate an allergic reaction and should be promptly reported to your doctor. Any changes in your eyes or vision post medication use should be addressed by seeking medical attention.

Symptoms to monitor for allergic reactions include:

  1. Eye redness and swelling
  2. Itching or burning sensations in the eyes
  3. Vision changes like blurred vision or sensitivity to light
  4. Increased sensitivity to light

Precautions and Contraindications

Before using Zocon Eye Drop, it’s crucial to assess your medical history for any conditions that may warrant caution or preclude its use. Notify your doctor about any existing liver or kidney issues and disclose if you’re on medications for diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart conditions. Adjustments to your dosage or closer monitoring may be necessary in such cases.

Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals should use Zocon Eye Drop with care, as its effects on the fetus or baby are not well-established. Avoid using the eye drop if you have a known allergy to fluconazole or any of its components. If you wear contact lenses, remove them before applying the eye drop and wait at least 15 minutes before reinserting them.

Adhere to your doctor’s instructions and prescribed dosage to minimize the risk of adverse reactions. Should you experience any unusual symptoms or discomfort, seek medical assistance promptly. By following these precautions and contraindications, you can safely and effectively use Zocon Eye Drop.

Fluconazole Active Ingredient

Fluconazole, found in Zocon Eye Drop, is classified as a triazole antifungal medication. It works by inhibiting the production of ergosterol, a crucial component in fungal cell membranes. This inhibition disrupts the structural integrity of the fungal cell, leading to its demise.

Key points about fluconazole include its broad-spectrum antifungal properties, suitability for systemic and topical use, good tolerability with minimal side effects, and rapid absorption post oral administration for swift relief from fungal infections.

Eye Infections Treated

Fluconazole in Zocon Eye Drop effectively treats fungal keratitis, an eye infection that causes corneal inflammation and other fungal infections of the eye and eyelid. Symptoms like blurred vision, redness, itching, and light sensitivity can be relieved with this medication. Targeting the root cause of the fungal infection is crucial, and fluconazole‘s antifungal properties make it a reliable treatment option.

Fungal keratitis can be contracted through contaminated contact lenses, eye trauma, or conditions like dry eye syndrome. If untreated, it can lead to corneal ulcers, vision loss, or blindness. Zocon Eye Drop ensures fluconazole reaches deep into the eye tissue to combat the infection effectively. Timely treatment can reduce the risk of complications and support eye health.

Benefits of Zocon Eye Drop

Zocon Eye Drop offers rapid relief from symptoms like redness, itching, and discharge, promoting comfort and clarity in vision. Its targeted topical application reduces the risk of systemic side effects. With broad-spectrum antifungal activity, Zocon is effective against various fungal pathogens, ensuring reliable treatment for different infections. The convenient eye drop formulation makes self-medication easy and hassle-free.

Storage and Handling

To maintain the potency and shelf life of Zocon Eye Drop, store it in its original packaging away from direct sunlight and moisture when not in use. Keep the eye drops at room temperature between 15?C to 30?C (59?F to 86?F) to prevent degradation of the active ingredient, fluconazole. Avoid storing them in humid places like bathrooms or near sinks, as moisture can affect the product’s stability.

When handling the eye drops, ensure your hands are clean and dry to prevent contamination. Always tightly replace the cap after use to prevent oxidation and maintain product quality. Check the expiration date regularly and discard the medication if it has expired or if the solution has changed color, become cloudy, or contains particles. Following proper storage and handling practices will help ensure the effectiveness and safety of Zocon Eye Drop.

Alternatives to Zocon Eye Drop

When seeking alternatives to Zocon Eye Drop, consider other prescription ophthalmic medications designed to treat fungal eye infections. Various brands offer unique formulations with specific benefits. Understanding the available options will help you make an informed choice regarding the most suitable treatment for your condition.

Other Ophthalmic Options

Several ophthalmic antifungal medications provide effective alternatives to Zocon Eye Drop for treating fungal keratitis and other eye fungal infections. Consider the following options:

  1. Amphotericin B: Used for severe fungal infections, including those in the eye.
  2. Natamycin: Effective against a variety of fungal species, commonly used for fungal keratitis.
  3. Posaconazole: Treats fungal infections, including eye infections, and is effective against specific fungal species.
  4. Voriconazole: Used for various fungal infections, including eye infections, and effective against certain fungal species.

Consult with an eye care professional to determine the most suitable treatment option for your specific fungal infection.

Available Eye Drops Brands

Consider trying alternative eye drop brands containing fluconazole like Flucos, Fluczole, and Flucon for fungal keratitis and other eye fungal infections. These brands offer a similar formulation and dosage of fluconazole for effective management. Factors to consider when choosing an alternative brand include pricing, availability, and packaging sizes to suit your needs.

Additionally, Fluka, Fluzole, and Fungicon are viable substitutes for Zocon Eye Drop, as they also contain fluconazole. These alternatives may differ in preservatives, pH levels, or additives, so consulting with your ophthalmologist or pharmacist is important to determine the best option for your condition. Adhere to the recommended dosage and administration guidelines for optimal results. Exploring these alternative eye drop brands can help you find a suitable replacement for Zocon Eye Drop tailored to your treatment requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use Zocon Eye Drop for Viral Infections?

When dealing with viral infections, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional for proper treatment. Antifungal medications like Zocon Eye Drop are not effective against viral infections. It is crucial to use antiviral medications specifically designed to target viruses. Misusing antifungal medications for viral infections can be ineffective and potentially harmful. Your doctor can recommend the appropriate antiviral medication or alternative treatment for your specific viral infection.

Is Zocon Eye Drop Safe for Children Below 3 Years?

When considering treatment for children under 3 years old, it is important to exercise caution. Antifungal medications, such as Zocon Eye Drop, are generally not recommended for this age group due to the potential risks to the developing eyes. It is advisable to consult a pediatrician or eye specialist before using any eye drops on young children, including Zocon. They will be able to provide guidance on the most appropriate course of treatment based on your child’s individual needs.

Can I Drive After Using Zocon Eye Drop?

When using eye drops like Zocon Eye Drop, it’s important to consider if it is safe to drive afterwards. If the drops do not cause blurred vision, dizziness, or drowsiness, it is generally safe to drive. Fluconazole, the active ingredient in Zocon Eye Drop, is not known to impair driving abilities. However, if you notice any unusual symptoms after using the eye drops, it is advisable to wait until they subside before driving.

How Long Does It Take to See Improvement in Symptoms?

When treating fungal infections, improvement in symptoms typically begins within 7-10 days of consistent treatment. The timeframe for noticing positive changes may vary based on the severity of the condition and individual response to medication. Significant improvement is generally experienced within 2-3 weeks of treatment.

Can I Use Zocon Eye Drop for Eye Injuries?

When dealing with eye injuries, it is important to seek immediate medical attention from an eye care professional. Antibiotic eye drops like Zocon Eye Drop are not typically recommended for physical eye injuries such as cuts or puncture wounds. However, if you have a fungal infection in the eye, your doctor may prescribe Zocon Eye Drop for treatment. Always consult a medical professional before using any medication for eye injuries to ensure proper care and management.


You have Zocon Eye Drop in your medicine cabinet, containing fluconazole for treating fungal eye infections. Follow proper usage and dosage to alleviate symptoms effectively. Store it correctly and be cautious of potential drug interactions. If Zocon is not suitable for you, there are alternative options available. Adhering to these guidelines will help improve the health of your eyes.

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